Apprenticeship Graduation

Pictured are our QCT Apprenticeship Graduates listed below flanked on the left by Cory Addison, Economic Development Director of Business & Industry, and Tim McDonald, President of Lanier Technical College; flanked on the right by Shelley Logan and Greg Vitek, Workforce Strategies Group LLC. (Photo Credit: Thomas Murphy, Lanier Technical College)
On April 17, 2024, the 2nd cohort of Quality Control Technicians in the Apprenticeship program at Lanier Technical College graduated, representing 2 counties in the Georgia Mountains sector.
Congratulations Graduates!
Caroline Hutchins, Specialty Appliances, Forsyth County
Kyle Ryan, Voyant Beauty, Hall County
Sabrina Sewell, ALBAform, Hall County
John Ian Bond, King’s Hawaiian, Hall County
June Olivares, IMS Gear, Hall County
Throughout the program, they have completed an impressive 300 hours of Related Technical Instruction (RTI) at Technical College System of Georgia’s (TCSG) Lanier Technical College location. This intensive instruction has provided them with a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge, essential for success in the quality technician profession. For apprenticeship application, apprentices completed 4000 hours of On-the-job Training (OJT) with their company mentor.
At graduation, apprentices presented a capstone project to both their company mentors and officials as well as Lanier Technical College directors and instructors. The projects were the culmination of tools they learned applied to a company-specific project resulting in a value-add recommendation. There were a total of 6 career promotions within the group, some receiving more than 1 promotion each within the 2-year period.
Thank you to our Graduates, Mentors, Employers, Region 2 Georgia Mountains Works MFG Sector Workforce Development Strategy, Workforce Strategies Group LLC, and Lanier Technical College!
The next QCT Apprenticeship cohort will start in Spring 2024 at Lanier Technical College and North Georgia Technical College. Quality Tech Apprenticeship – Georgia Mountains Works
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WorkSource Georgia Mountains, under the Georgia Mountains Regional Commission, administers the federal WIOA funds which encourages sector strategies and partnerships. Workforce Strategies Group LLC manages the MFG Sector Strategy, Georgia Mountains Works. Shelley Logan, Workforce Strategies Group LLC,, 678-316-0792