Manufacturing Leaders – SAIL & LEAD Training

Our leadership training program is designed to provide individuals with skills and knowledge to thrive in leadership roles. The program is beneficial for everyone – those new to supervisory roles and essential for individuals seeking to enhance their performance. Taught by subject-matter experts, the courses are delivered in 12 weekly, four-hour sessions, totaling 48 hours of training. The curriculum covers vital topics such as effective communication as a leader, emotional intelligence, continuous improvement, HR Do’s and Don’ts, and more. SAIL is offered in collaboration with Lanier Technical College. And, LEAD is offered in collaboration with North Georgia Technical College.

Existing Registered 2-year Apprenticeships:

APP101 are USDOL Certified 2-year Apprenticeship Programs offered at Lanier Technical College and North Georgia Technical College. The APP101 Checklist includes items required by applicants and employers relating to registering for and starting an apprenticeship. The apprenticeships linked below provide information on both the Related Technical Instruction (RTI) and the On-the-Job-Learning (OJL, OJT).

CAD Drafting

Industrial Maintenance Technician

Machinist – General

Machinist – CNC

Quality Technical Control Apprenticeship


Post a job

Post a job, an apprenticeship, a work based learning opportunity or internship. These posts are provided by Region 2 businesses and are reviewed and approved before publishing. All information is valid at the time of posting and is available for 90 days.

Georgia Mountains Works 2023 MFG Wage Survey

Annually, the Georgia Mountains Works Manufacturing Sector Partners determine the top occupational priorities. This year, the partnership took it a step further and conducted a wage survey. The wage survey was sent out to manufacturers in the 13 counties in Georgia Mountains Region 2 of WorkSource Georgia Mountains. A total of 25 manufacturers participated by contributing their employee compensation data. It was summarized to allow for analysis and application. Additionally, survey results are presented in a format to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of all participating manufacturers as it relates to specific job compensation levels.

Host a Tour

What is the perception of manufacturing as a whole and of your company in particular? As an employer, you can help make sure the perception and reality match by hosting tours for various groups. The 2-page Host-a-Tour Tool Kit is intended to help the employer host a tour better than most.

Become a Work Based Learning Employer

Work Based Learning (WBL) provides a career oriented young work force by developing partnerships between educators and employers which lead the participating student into meaningful careers. Business Guide to Employing a WBL Student gives an outline of what to expect.

Short Term Skill Training – Bootcamps

Skills training is available for various competencies, in various lengths from various providers. MFG Sector Strategy assists employers in setting up custom short-term skills training known as bootcamps with the goal of hiring graduating participants at the end. There have been successful employer-designed, public-private funded bootcamps in areas such as electro-mechanical and welding. The Setting Up Bootcamps document will give you an overview and the best thing to do is contact us.

Business Guide to WorkSource Funding

WorkSource funding offers a variety of opportunities to help employers upskill current employees, decrease turnover, assist with new hire training, and develop a pipeline for skilled talent.

Become a Region 2 MFG Sector Partner

Employer Partners determine annual occupational priorities and workgroup priorities, link their career/job sites to the website, post job openings, are given priority workforce development opportunities, and attend 1 to 10 Strategy, Workgroup, or Employer Partnership meetings and tours per year.