Employer Partners

Employer Partners determine occupational and workgroup project priorities. They link their career/job sites to the website, post their job openings, and are given priority for workforce development opportunities. They attend up to 10 Strategy, Workgroup, or Employer Partnership meetings and tours per year.

Education Partners

Education Partners determine and participate in workgroup projects, link their Career Tech and/or Work Based Learning (CTAE/WBL) sites to the website, propose new employer partners, host area/county-specific meetings as needed, have primary access to workforce development resources, and attend up to 10 Strategy or Workgroup meetings per year.

Economic Development Partners

Economic Development Partners determine and participate in workgroup projects, link their websites to the website, propose new employer partners, host area/county-specific meetings as needed, have primary access to workforce development resources, and attend up to 10 Strategy or Workgroup meetings per year.

Other Partners

WorkSource Georgia Mountains, under the Georgia Mountains Regional Commission, administers the federal WIOA funds which encourages sector strategies and partnerships. Workforce Strategies Group LLC manages the MFG Sector Strategy.