Local MFG Sector Information
Our strategy is to provide you with the information you need to communicate realistic opportunities to your students. Annually, our employer partners prepare their Occupational Priorities which means you have access to very local and up-to-date information about where students can focus to obtain a career now. It is also helpful to know the region’s current industry mix.
Employability Skills Videos and Lesson Plans
Regional High School Students explain how they use learned Employability Skills on-the-job in their Work-Based Learning Assignments. The You Tube Channel featuring 18 videos and the lesson plans to use in the classroom are all in 1 place on the Employability Skills Resource page.
Building a Career in Manufacturing
The Building a Career in Manufacturing Poster is good to share with your class and excellent to use as a conversation starter about the many entry and exit points of a career with various continuing education and income levels. You may use the PDF on your school announcements, post it in the hallway, and distribute to educators and mentors.
Career Exploration
Be Pro Be Proud is one of the hottest happenings in career exploration. It is a hands-on career trailer that comes to the school for virtual and augmented reality experiences in technical careers.
Field Trips – MFG Tour
What is the perception of careers in manufacturing to you as an educator, and to your students and their parents? To show opportunity and to make sure the perception and reality match, ask employers to host tours. It is ideals to give 2-months notice to schedule and to allow for 2-hours for a tour. When you make the ask, make it easy! The 2-page Host a Tour Tool Kit is intended to help the employer host a tour better than most.
Short Term Skills Training – Bootcamps
Skills training is available for various competencies, in various lengths from various providers. MFG Sector Strategy assists educators and employers in setting up custom short-term skills training known as bootcamps with the goal of hiring graduating participants at the end. This has been particularly successful with graduating seniors with public-private funded bootcamps in areas such as electro-mechanical and welding. The Setting Up Bootcamps document will give you an overview and the best thing to do is contact us.
Workforce Development Pipeline
Intentional efforts to engage employers influence the development of a career-oriented individual. While the Workforce Development Pipeline is made up of building blocks, there is no specific beginning or end, just starting and being a part of the mutual benefit.